sippi_forward_traveltime Traveltime computation in SIPPI
Call :
forward.type determines the method used to compute travel times
forward.sources [ndata,ndim]: Source locations
forward.receivers [ndata,ndim]: Receiver locations
% the following options does not apply to 'eikonal' type modeling
forward.linear : [0] a linear kernel is computed, based on the current velocity model
[1] a linear kenrel is computed only once, based on
the velocity field defined in forward.linear_m;
forward.linear_m: the reference velocity field, for a linear forward
operator (forward.G) will be computed.
Can be eithe a scalar (constant velocity field) or
the same size as the the velcity model 'm'.
forward.normalize_vertical [1]: Normalize sensitivitykernel by
in vertical slices
[0]: No normalization
forward.alpha [1]: alpha value for munk_fresnel_2d, munk_fresnel_3f