sippi_forward_gpr_fd: full waveform gpr forward
Call :
the prior must be such that m{1} relfect the eps field, and (optionally)
m{2} reflect the sig field (if not set it is trated as constant).
% Mandatory
forward.sources and forward.receivers contains the position of sources
and receives ising the SAME coordinate systrem as prior{im}
forward.sources : [Sx1 Sy1
Sx2 Sy2
forward.receivers: [Rx1 Ry1
Rx2 Ry2
forward.ant_pos contains the positions in a grid with origin [0,0]
This is computed from forward.sources and forward.receivers
if not set.
forward.ant_pos: antenna postions for receivers and recorders
[Sx1, Sy1, Rx1, Ry1
Sx2, Sy2, Rx2, Ry2
! Note that idential source locations muyst be located in neighboring row
in forward.ant_pos
Optional settings
forward.T=100*10^-9; % Frequecy of source wavelet
forward.sig=3; % If not set it is set as a constant field
forward.output_type='shot'; % each shot gather is output as individual data structures
forward.output_type='trace'; % each trace is output as individual data structures
forward.output_it=10; % only output every 'output_it' time sample
forward.dx_forward % the spatial sampling used for FDTD modeling
If this is different than the spatial sampling
density for the prior, then prior realizations are
rescaled before forward modeling
% Settings for forward modeler
All seetings for the forward modelling code can be set in the
forward.addpar structure. E.g to set the number of threads used:
See also FDTD_fwi